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Tuesday, 23 August 2016

How To Recognize God's Blessings In Our Life?


Key Verse Ephesians 1:3
Praise to be the God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

Let‘s praise our God who has blessed us with ALL Blessings IN Jesus Christ

1. Normally We Consider These Things As Blessing:
            a. Most often, we think of blessings as being those things that are physical and material in                    nature.
            b. If everyone in our household is well, we consider ourselves blessed.
            c. If there is money in the bank and the bills are paid, we say we are blessed.
            d. If we are living in a nice home, we equate that with blessing

2. Can We Say We Are Blessed, When:
            a. someone is sick at the home?
            b. not having good or our own house?
            c. there is no money in pocket?
            d. there is dept
            e. What we fail to remember is that these kinds of blessings are temporary.

3. On The Other Side: When People Comment On Us
            1. Most people say; what did you received when you became a Christian or say how much                    money you got to change your religion.
            2. If I become a Christian, what I will get?
            3. What I have to do to become a Christian?

4. Questions for you
1. How you will response these kinds of people?
2. Can you tell me, what are the blessings you received from God?
Things to note:
1. God is a perfect God; He does only perfect work, imperfection is not his work
2. Imperfection or unblessed in our life is absolutely not from God

5. Where Unblessedness comes from?
            1. We are the reason that what we are today-what I am today is result of my past acts, and my              present actions  will determined my future.     
2. Because of our wrong decisions: because of the lusty desires of the men, they follow the false and suppress the truth, and thus by knowing even the right action take wrong for a momentary pleasure which causes them to suffer bigger and longer. Man’s wrong decisions absolutely affect person’s personal life (mentally, physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually), as well they effect the family, friends, relationship, society, community, government, generation, economy, ethics, education, and country. Man’s one wrong decision makes to suffer every citizen of the country eventually.
            3. Because of our wrong Choices: what are the wrong choices? How many times we have chosen them. Why people mostly make wrong choices? Answer is very simple the humankind is a selfish being. He desires always that the situation must be in his favor weather it is right or wrong until and unless his flesh nail on the cross. 
4. Because of some time our family problems and ambitions
            5. Because of Satan angerness 
6. Because of our Disobedience
            7. Because our lustful heart
            8. Because of our ignorance

6.  Kinds of blessing from God
As the most believers think that material growth are the great blessings, but according to word of God that not true. As we know that God is the God of perfection and therefore His works are always for perfection. The human being try finds every meaning of life in material things whereas God knows what are real needs of human being and how they will be truly met, satisfy and complete their journey of life. Therefore, in the God’s word we find five fold definite blessing for human being, which provide to everyone in Lord Jesus Christ. The negation of any God’s blessing will result in dissatisfaction and persuasion of them will make you a complete person.         

1. Physical: Health, wealth, and life > sick, poor, and death
2. Emotional: Love, Joy, and peace > Hate, discouraged, and disturb and angry
3. Cognitive: Wisdom, knowledge, guidance, sharpness, active, useful, skillful
4. Social: Relationship, responsibilities, honest, justice lover, progressive, unity, finds good                        for community, and grow together.     
5. Spiritual: Forgiveness, new birth, eternal life, fellowship with God 
Recognize the God's Blessing in your life and response to those to who ask to you what Jesus has given to you from these five fold God’s blessing which God has given.

God has blessed Us Immensely In Jesus Christ....

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