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Tuesday 6 September 2016

Layman’s Review of the Bible

1. Bible is the
Book of Books-God's Book
Revelation of God to man
Traveler's map
Pilot's compass
Soldier's sword
Christian's charter
            Mine of wealth
Paradise of glory
River of pleasure
2. Purpose of the Bible
            Christ is its grand subject
Our good its design
The glory of God its end
3. Found in the Bible  
The mind of God
The state of man
The way of salvation
The doom of sinners
The happiness of believers
4. Facts of the Bible
Its doctrines are holy
Its precepts are binding
Its histories are true
Its decisions are immutable
5. Gives the Bible
Light to direct you
Food to support you
Comfort to cheer you
6. Do with the Bible
Read it to be wise
Believe it to be saved
Practice it to be holy
7. Bible Need to be Read


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